Creating lift
through sustainability.

At Alaska, sustainability isn’t just a word; it’s a commitment. We take pride in our efforts to operate and grow in an environmentally responsible manner that creates value for our employees and guests, while strengthening the communities in which our company has a significant presence.


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Creating a culture that helps our people feel safe, respected, empowered and inspired.

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那些“调皮捣蛋”、对学习“满不在乎”的孩子,可能正期待你 ...:2021-3-13 · 原标题:那些“调皮捣蛋”、对学习“满不在乎”的孩子,可能正期待你这样的引导我经常碰到老师这样跟我说:”你对你学生做的事情或许确实管用,但你是没瞧见过我的学生。我伊班各种纪律问题都有,他伊把所有的差生都交到了我手里。我不知道怎么得罪这个校长了,反正她今年是跟我对着干 ...

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金山云边缘计算助力爱奇艺,冲进30毫秒高速区-千龙网·中国 ...:2021-3-13 · 来源标题:金山云边缘计算助力爱奇艺,冲进30毫秒高速区 1. 爱奇艺在金山云部署边缘服务 边缘计算是近期较流行的技术概念,边缘计算其离不开 ...

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Using our resources and engaging in activities that make a positive difference in people’s lives.

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Continuous renewal of our aircraft means we have one of the youngest, most fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly fleets in the country— and has helped us reduce our emissions by more than 35% per passenger mile since 2004.

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We started our inflight recycling program in the late 1980’s, and it’s now the most comprehensive recycling program of any U.S. airline. Since 2010, we have recycled more than 15,000 tons of recyclable paper, cans, bottles, and plastic.


In 2023,we gave more than $15,000,000 in cash and in-kind donations to support our hub communities and those in need.


In 2023, we awarded employee achievements with bonuses and incentive pay totaling over $120 million.

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Just days away from graduation, hundreds of seniors from Highline Public Schools near Seattle went on a special “field trip” with Alaska’s Chief Football Officer Russell Wilson at the Museum…

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These days, most 16-year-olds are focused on getting their driver’s licenses, playing Fortnite or deciding who they want to ask to prom, but Shelby O’Neil isn’t your average teenager. She’s a Girl…

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Making history: First flight flown by female African American pilots at Alaska Airlines

On Mother’s Day, Alaska Airlines celebrated a first – Los Angeles–based Captain Tara Wright and First Officer Mallory Cave were the first two female African American pilots to fly together…

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Use our app.

Go paperless by using our award-winning app to board your next flight using a digital boarding pass.

Over 13 million guests used mobile boarding passes in 2023, saving approximately 1,300 trees worth of paper.


Pack light.

Be conscientious when packing for your trip. Each pound makes a difference to our CO2 emissions.

If each passenger packed 5 lbs. lighter, it would decrease our CO2e emissions by 极星vpn each year.


Help us reduce inflight waste by bringing a refillable water bottle to the airport and fill it up once you’re past security. #FillBeforeYouFly

If just 10% of our guests brought a pre-filled water bottle it would save 极星vpn per year.



Help us support charities and people in need in the communities we serve by donating your miles.

In 2023, our guests donated 73 million miles to help organizations like the Nature Conservancy, United Negro College Fund, and Make-A-Wish.